einundzwanzig Monate (21 months)

As I’ve already written, our transition to Germany has been less than ideal. We’ve been here for almost six months and have encountered more ups, downs, and summersaults than we naturally expected. In the midst of it all though, we have been undeniably fortunate to have our daughter by our side. People always talk about what their children teach them or how they admire certain qualities in their children that they feel challenged to emulate. Adelyn is no different. The characteristics that seemed certain when she was 9 months old are even more glaringly evident now. The two traits that stand out the most to me are her joy and her fearlessness. Now, don’t get me wrong. Fearlessness has it’s boundaries. She has no problem trying to climb up nearly anything, falling down, shedding a tear or two and getting up to do it again, but bring her near a dog and she’s suddenly trying to climb up mom or dad for protection. “But wait Becky, I thought she LOVED dogs?” Oh, she does. From a distance… We’ve learned in our time here that dogs are still one of her favorite things to spot when we go out for a walk, but only as long as they’re on the other side of the street… But her joy? Her joy has no boundaries, no limits. This kid will find any excuse to be happy. She will laugh at nothing for the simple joy of laughing and making others laugh. It’s like you can practically see the wheels turning her head as she thinks to herself “what fun and funny thing can I do next?” While she is still figuring out emotions such as sadness and anger, it can be a little frustrating at times when one of us is hurting and we just want the moment to be able to sit in that pain and all she wants to do is play and laugh. But at the same time, as she has begun recognizing the actions of providing comfort, she also seems to be patiently waiting for the moment that she can spread her joy to us. And some moments, no matter the frustration or hurt I may be feeling, she will do just the thing that makes it impossible not to laugh and relish the joy of having her in our lives.

What’s new?
-Phrases. She has put two words together occasionally in the past, but not consistently, and it usually shortened to one long word (thank you daddy –> dankdada), but she is starting to make her own combos now and repeat ours even more consistently, sometimes still using sign language along with words to ask for things. “Where-is-it?” “There-it-is!” “_____ please” and even conveying fuller ideas with multiple words together: “teeth! brush!” “Addie. Sit!” or even “Mama! Please! Shoe!” when I failed to notice that she had lost her shoe on the sidewalk. It’s amazing the things that seem so simple but blow you away once you have children or work with small kids.
-She is also copying EVERYTHING we say (and do). I guess I already thought she was doing this, but then two weeks ago her language skills hit a whole new level. She repeats everything, remembers and uses words that we weren’t even aware she knew, and her previous vocabulary has become a bit clearer and more precise (such as names).
-Our little monkey is still just as active and ambitious as ever. She can officially jump getting two feet off the ground, climbs everything in sight (getting into and out of her high chair, going up and down the slide “bise!” by herself, etc.) And she is also little miss independent. She’s more than willing to ask for help when she struggles to accomplish something on her own, but only after she has fervently tried by herself. And heaven help you if you dare try to help her before she reaches that point… “no no! no no!”

Slides (bise!) This is the one things that we can count on causing an emotional breakdown if we dare to stop playing on a slide before she is ready.
Cheese. The number one food we can count on being a bright spot in any meal or snack.
Words and people. She LOVES calling out what other people have on the train that she recognizes. “book! bottle! backpack! jacket! shoes! nose!” She makes many friends this way.
Speaking of friends, she has many new friends both at church and her daycare. She absolutely loves her Tagesmutter and her friends there and always looks forward to church when she knows she is going to get to see her buddies there as well.

It is crazy to realize we’re already at the age where “almost two” is an appropriate answer to the age question. So much has happened in these last two years making time feel so fast (and yet sometimes so slow). And while having our silly girl with us has definitely added much more to the mix, she has made it all the more joyful as well.

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